NefrocenterLab also open on December 31st
Rapid and molecular antigenic swabs at NefrocenterLab, which stays open also on December 31st. At the Nefrocenter facilities located in Via Generale Pignatelli 2 in Naples and in Via Emilio […]

World diabetes day, a record number of visits for Nefrocenter
World Diabetes Day registered a record number of visits in the Nefrocenter points, which were set up in 9 squares of the Campania Region, in collaboration with the Unesco Chair […]

World Diabetes Day: Nefrocenter in 9 squares
Nefrocenter takes part at the World Diabetes Day, allowing the citizens of 9 Campania municipalities to undergo free screenings, which include blood sugar tests and diabetes checkups. The initiative was […]

Breast cancer, hope comes from Professor Trapanese of Nefrocenter Research
There’s a new hope for women who have breast cancer. Thanks to the discoveries of the Salerno researcher Ersilio Trapanese, member of the Nefrocenter Research team, the medical group specializing […]

Free nephrological visits throughout November
Free nephrological visits throughout the month of November. That’s Nefrocenter Group’s initiative to support the prevention of diabetes. In 7 centers of the group, in 3 different provinces of the […]

Nefrocenter performs free screenings on Naples’ seafront
Nefrocenter will participate in the Campus della Salute (Health Campus). The initiative will kick off on October 7th at 3pm with the official inauguration of the event. The Naples’ seafront, […]