Nefrocenter supports La bottega dei sapori e dei saperi della legalità

bottega sapori legalità

On Wednesday, December 14th there’s the “La bottega dei sapori e dei saperi della legalità” event scheduled in Naples.
The initiative will be held at the “Annalisa Durante” Library, in via Vicaria Vecchia 23, and it will start at 10.30am. Nefrocenter participates and supports the event, which was wanted by the Pol.I.S. Foundation of the Campania Region, in collaboration with the Campania Coordination of the families of innocent victims of organized crime.

The Christmas packages that will be delivered to family members will contain products made by cooperatives and associations that operate on assets confiscated from organized crime. Therefore, Christmas becomes an occasion to highlight the work and development opportunities related to the reuse of these goods.

Particular attention will be given to the relevance of the land cultivation that allows to produce fruit, vegetables, and legumes, but also to oil, flour, wine, pasta, jams, and honey. All embellished by the wonderful flavor of legality.

The Nefrocenter Group, which has always been active and proactive on social and solidarity issues, will take part at this initiative, scheduled in the library dedicated to Annalisa Durante, an innocent victim of Camorra. The association named after her, founded in 2005, promotes social and cultural initiatives every day with constant commitment against organized crime.

La bottega dei sapori e dei saperi della legalità On air

On Wednesday, December 14th, the event will be broadcast in live streaming by Radio Siani, the Radio della Legalità (legality radio station), on its social media pages and on those of the Foundation.
Also, on Nefrocenter’s social media pages will be possible to find all the information on the initiative planned at the “Annalisa Durante” Library, which will focus on our group.

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