The diabetes diet: a key to managing the disease

dieta per il diabete

The diabetes diet is crucial to limit complications associated with the disease. Some foods can be easily incorporated into the diabetes diet, while others must be strictly avoided. At the Nefrocenter group centers and Rome American Hospital, patients are guided with personalized diets ensuring the right nutritional intake. It is well-known that proper nutrition is one of the foundations a diabetic patient must follow.

The Diabetes Diet: Top 5 Foods

1. Leafy Green Vegetables: Rich in fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. They contribute to glucose control and improve overall health.
2. Fish: High in Omega-3, helps reduce inflammation, and improves heart health. It may contribute to controlling blood sugar levels.
3. Quinoa: Slow-release carbohydrates and a rich source of protein. Contributes to keeping blood sugar levels stable.
4. Fruits: Opt for those with a low glycemic index like apples, pears, and berries. Provides natural sugars and fiber. Additionally, it contributes to glucose control without causing sudden spikes.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Foods rich in healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants that can improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.

Other Permitted Foods

Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and beans are preferable as they are a source of plant-based protein and fiber.
Avocado: A part of monounsaturated fats with a low carbohydrate content. It also helps regulate blood glucose.
Cinnamon: Has the ability to reduce insulin resistance and promotes blood glucose control.
Broccoli and Cauliflower: Vegetables rich in fiber and nutrients.
Green Tea: A beverage rich in antioxidants and beneficial substances that, when consumed regularly, could improve insulin sensitivity.

Diabetes Diet: Things to Avoid

1. Added Sugars: They increase blood sugar levels rapidly and should be avoided.
2. Processed and Packaged Foods: Often contain saturated fats, hidden sugars, and excess salt. These include snacks, fast food, and processed meats like sausages.
3. Sugary Drinks: Beverages like cola, orange soda, or carbonated drinks rich in sugars can lead to glycemic spikes.
4. Foods High in Saturated Fats: Butter, oil, bacon, and sausages fall into this category and can compromise heart health.
5. Alcohol: Besides all the damages it causes, it also negatively affects blood sugar levels.

Other Forbidden Foods

High-Salt Foods: Increase blood pressure problems.
Refined Carbohydrates: Including semolina pasta, white bread, type 00 flour, and white rice. They rapidly increase blood sugar levels immediately after consumption.
Fried Foods: Cooking methods are also important for the diabetes diet. Fried foods negatively impact cardiovascular health.
High-Sodium Foods: Processed meats, sausages, and cheeses are rich in sodium and cause blood pressure issues.
Trans Fats Foods: Trans fats are found in foods like stock cubes and are also present in ruminant derivatives. Their consumption can increase the risk of heart diseases.

Prevention is Essential

Undergoing checks for diabetes prevention is crucial. On November 14th, World Diabetes Day, the Nefrocenter group will conduct free diabetes check-ups and blood glucose monitoring in 7 squares in Campania and at the Rome American Hospital. Discovering factors that may lead to diabetes is essential to improve lifestyles and avoid falling ill.

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